

EQUINOX 600 / 800 Software Update 3.0

What is new?

A new Single Frequency of 4 kHz has been added to the existing 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 kHz options. This new 4 kHz frequency enhances the detection of large deep targets, particularly those found in parts of Asia. As a result of optimising for these conditions, this new frequency may respond differently for users compared to the other single frequencies. 

All other single and multi-frequency settings are unchanged in their performance. 

In addition to the 4 kHz upgrade feature, various stability enhancements have been included. 

For step-by-step instructions on downloading the software, please refer to the following brochures:

Download the EQUINOX 600 / 800 Software Upgrade 3.0 Instructions (EN)

Download the EQUINOX 600 / 800 Software Upgrade 3.0 Instructions (ZH)

Minelab Update Utility (MUU) Details

Minimum System Requirements:

Laptop or Desktop computer (Smartphones and tablets are not compatible with this software.)
USB 2.0 port
EQUINOX USB Charging Cable with Magnetic Connector

Windows 10

50 MB of hard drive space
20 MB of RAM


Greater than 10.13 High Sierra
50 MB of hard drive space
30 MB of RAM


  • Only one EQUINOX 600 / 800 can be connected to your computer during the update operation.
  • The EQUINOX 600 / 800 must be ON during the software update.
  • Any custom detector settings will be preserved while performing the update.
  • An internet connection is required to download the Minelab Update Utility to the computer, however, an internet connection is not required to update the EQUINOX 600 / 800 and this can be done offline.
  • The EQUINOX coil must be connected to perform the update.

Important: Do not turn off or disconnect the EQUINOX 600 / 800 during the update process.

Once the MUU is downloaded, open the application and follow these instructions:

1. Connect the EQUINOX 600 / 800 to the computer USB port using the magnetic charging cable and turn on the detector.

2. When the EQUINOX 600 / 800 is identified, the MUU will communicate with the detector and determine the current software version.  

3. If an update is available, the MUU will display Updates are available for your detector. Click INSTALL to begin the upgrade or QUIT to close the MUU.

4. If the metal detector is up to date, the application will display Your detector is up to date and prompt you to QUIT the application.

5. The EQUINOX 600 / 800 screen will go blank during the update; a green LED on the top left corner of the control box will blink rapidly while the update is in progress.

6. Installation will take approximately 1 minute.

Once the upgrade is complete, the EQUINOX 600 / 800 will restart and the MUU will prompt you to disconnect the detector and QUIT the application.

Note: Close the application and reopen if updating multiple EQUINOX 600 / 800 detectors 


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