
İptal etmek

Steve Zazulyk

C&T — Canada
From Ontario Canada, Steve Zazulyk is an active treasure hunter and scuba diver, traveling extensively throughout North America, the Caribbean and Europe pursuing his passion. When he's not underwater, Steve is a guest speaker and writer on & ...

Gary Drayton

Originally from England, Gary started out 'Mudlarking' on river banks before finding more and more coins, which lead him into metal detecting. He now lives in south Florida, where he's become infatuated with a hunt for Spanish treasure, and & ...

Lubos Grznar

C&T — Slovakia
Lubos Grznar, also known as militaryfinder1945, is a treasure-hunter who has specialised in the era of World War Two since 1998. Hailing from Slovakia, from the former historical Engerau, he focuses on events at the end of the war in & ...

John Los

C&T — Netherlands
Based in Amsterdam, John Los has been searching for treasure since age ten, but started metal detecting with his twin brother Marco in their teens. Many years later, they rediscovered the hobby and started a YouTube & ...

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Luc Van Assche

C&T — Belgium
Born and raised in Belgium, Luc "DeLuc" Van Assche pursued several hobbies, including hunting and motocross, before discovering metal detecting. Luc believes that every find has a story, which is what makes metal detecting so unique. After & ...

Paul Cee

C&T — United Kingdom
Paul first began detecting in the mid-1980s, but had to take a break for a few years when life took over. He picked detecting back up in 2004, focussing primarily on beach and wet sand hunting. Paul started out with & ...

Robert-Jan Ousen

C&T — Netherlands
Robert-Jan, or Rob-O as he’s better known, comes to us from The Netherlands with a metal detecting history going back more than 17 years. Detecting has certainly grown into more than a just a hobby for him over the & ...

Christopher Holmes

C&T — United Kingdom
With a passion for history, Chris was working with an archaeologist when he was introduced to field walking. Chris believes that the highlight of this time was his discovery of a Neolithic flint arrowhead in a row of sugar & ...

Wesley d'Abo

C&T — Netherlands
Wesley yıllardır hevesli bir hazine avcısıydı. EQUINOX'u aldığında hobiye gerçekten atladı ve tutkusu o zamandan beri daha da arttı. Keşiflerinin ardındaki tarihi öğrenmek ve bir sonraki adımda hangi muhteşem & ...

Alessio Cresci

C&T — Italy
Alessio began detecting a few years ago with a passion for discovery. Alessio loves being surrounded by nature and unearthing treasures such as brooches, rings, buckles, and much more. The story and history behind an object drives his passion & ...

Petr Zuklin

C&T — Czech Republic
Petr tespit etmeye çok küçükken başladı ve şu anda ömrünün yaklaşık yarısı boyunca tespit yapıyor. Petr daha küçükken elektroteknik alanındaki bilgisini kullanarak ilk dedektörünü kendisi yaptı. Elektrotekniği keş& ...

Emil Nygård

C&T — Finland
Emil first got into metal detecting 20 years ago when he tagged along with his father when he was detecting the fields and forests of his home village. Nearly ten years ago, he started detecting more seriously when he teamed up & ...

Joel Jokelainen

C&T — Finland
Joel is originally from Finland and got into metal detecting because of his father, who explored, dived, and found shipwreck treasures on the coast of Finland around 20 years ago.  He became active with metal detecting when he met Emil & ...

Neil Jones

C&T — United Kingdom
Neil Jones was introduced to detecting by his father at a young age. He has enjoyed the hobby for 40 years and has been using Minelab exclusively for 22 years! He is an expert in using the Minelab product range, specializing in & ...

Nicola Andrews

C&T — United Kingdom
Nicky started detecting five years ago when a friend asked her to go along and spend the day out on the fields detecting. She didn’t have a machine but just listening for that tone and wondering what they & ...

Tony Bülow

C&T — Denmark

Tony has been detecting since 2015 when his daughter got an X-TERRA 705 Gold. He then purchased an EXPLORER SE. He currently enjoys training new detectorists and making many friends along the way.

Truls Warhuus

C&T — Norway
Truls specializes in the Viking Age and coins. He loves the thrill of digging up something old and being the first to hold it after more than 1000 years. Thinking about the history behind the find is what truly motivates him.

Gan Erez

C&T — Israel
Gan has been metal detecting since age 10, when his father bought him his first detector. He heavily participates in social media and metal detecting groups. He also has a Metal detecting volunteers’ group in which volunteers detect in historical & ...

Jon White

Jon was introduced to detecting by one of his best friends. He enjoys researching the history of potential sites and exploring the unknown possibilities there. Jon believes that one doesn’t know what they’re going to dig & ...

Greg Pickens

Christmas time 1979 was when it all began for Greg. He had asked for and received a very simple BFO metal detector as a Christmas gift and was instantly enthralled with it! He was a 12 years old Army & ...

Axel Macon

Axel grew up in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, home of Fort Fisher, one of the last forts to fall in the south. He spent his childhood surfing and roaming the woods. His favorite things are metal detecting, hiking, and spending & ...

Jacob Jamison


Jacob has been detecting for nearly ten years with his father. He enjoys detecting and experiencing the thrill of uncovering lost treasures from the past. His favorite find is a gold-plated pocket watch

Ryan Jamison

Ryan has been detecting for almost 20 years. It started when he received a detector for a Christmas present, and he has been detecting ever since. He has hunted for treasure in 10 US States, as well as the Bahamas and Mexico. & ...

Stef Tanguay

While Stef has always been fascinated by history, it wasn't until she tripped across a few YouTube channels dedicated to the hobby that she decided to buy a metal detector and dig up artifacts for herself. One of her & ...

Eric Danis

C&T — Canada
Eric started metal detecting in 2009 after a co-worker mentioned his detecting outing and showed me his finds. He was pretty fascinated by the idea of recovering lost items and spoke to his wife Laurie about it. That same week she & ...

Laurie Gagne

C&T — Canada
Laurie was always a child treasure hunter and found a metal detector in her father's basement. She tried it a few times but couldn't get it to work. Her father used to take her to the snow dumps & ...

Angus James

Growing up in country South Australia, the beginning of my metal detecting adventures took place after being gifted a Minelab Sterling on my 10th birthday. I was out and about searching for coins and relics every chance I could get, & ...

Luke Phillips

My name is Luke, I am 34 and a very keen metal detectorist located in Australia. My whole life, history has absolutely fascinated me. I have found that locating and unearthing lost items from the past through metal detecting, is now & ...

Neil Colston

Hello folks, my name is Neil Colston and I am a very proud Minelab gold, coin & relic treasure hunter and have been out exploring and hunting lost forgotten treasures & gold for over forty years. I found my first & ...

Artur Kropiwiec

C&T — United Kingdom
Artur Kropiwiec is a Polish expat residing in West Yorkshire, England. He strives to bring together everyone who shares an interest in history, metal detecting, as well as intriguing photos and short films through his social media channels. His social & ...

Lean Vantilborg

C&T — The Netherlands
Hi, I'm Lean and I first came into contact with metal detection in 1995, when a castle was excavated in the place where I lived. Not much later I bought my first detector and it has become a passion for & ...

Oddbjørn Kåsine

C&T — Norway
My name is Oddbjørn Kåsine and I have been metal detecting for 17 years now, since 2006. Telemark (Norway), where I live, there are many traces from the Viking age, so sometimes I find objects from this time & ...

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